Saturday, 3 November 2012

IDLC field trip

We went on the aquarium aqua lab IDLC field trip,  first we held hermit crabs.
This is a tank of sea animals that look like plants, the tube things on the right are tube worms.

A closed sea anemone. The white things in the picture above are also sea anemones.

This is me holding a sea urchin. This sea urchin has just been put in the water and it is starting to stick out it's purple legs, but when it is out of the water it looks green or gray.

Then we did experiments with hermit crabs and wrote down the results.

The hermit crabs where in plastic bins.

We watched the beluga show.

We saw a dolphin throwing a pice of meat in the air and catching it again (over and over).

This is my friend wondering why there are two different types of jellies in one tank.

We looked at the sting rays.

This is the golden tree frog.

This is a boa constrictor.

This is a arapaima.

These are bats eating bananas.

This is a sloth. (awake for once!)

These are monkeys, the mother monkey (saving the baby's worm from predators) baby monkey (eating the worm) and Mr. steal (trying to steal the worm).

These are the parrots.

                                                         It was a very fun field trip!


  1. Wow,Rhiannon,I love your photographs !
    Great Aunt Liz

  2. I'm so envious! I LOVE the aquarium! Next time I want to come too.
    Evan and Keith say hello.
    Love auntie Julia


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